Board and Chair Positions with Duties

Board Positions with Duties

President – Presides over all PTA meetings.  Coordinates work of officers and committee.  Is a member of all committees except the Nominating and Audit Committees.  Authorized to sign on bank accounts.  Attends monthly local, council, VIPS, and presidents’ meetings.  Should attend Summer Leadership seminar, Area 10 conferences, and Texas PTA Convention.

1st Vice President, Programs – Responsible for PTA sponsored programs.  Aide to the President.  Presides over meetings in the president’s absence.  Performs other duties as assigned by the president or the association.  May be called upon to preside as the President, if position is vacated for any reason, until the local unit can elect a replacement.

2nd Vice President, Membership – Responsible for PTA membership drive.   Presides over meetings in the president’s absence (in designated order).  Performs other duties as assigned by the president or the association.

3rd Vice President, Ways & Means – Responsible for PTA fundraising.  Presides over meetings in the president’s absence (in designated order).  Performs other duties assigned by the president or the association.

4th Vice President, Family Engagement (VIPS) – Responsible for volunteer coordination.  Presides over meetings in the president’s absence (in designated order).  Performs other duties assigned by the president or the association.

5th Vice President, Communications- Responsible for communication to members, school and public. Oversees social media, print materials and yearbook committees. Presides over meetings in the president’s absence (in designated order). Performs other duties assigned by the president or the association.

Treasurer – Responsible for all funds of the association and maintaining and keeping accurate books and records.  Chairs the Budget Committee.   Authorized to sign on bank accounts.  Presents financial reports, both written and verbal, at all meetings.   Performs other duties assigned by the president or the association.

Secretary – Responsible for recording minutes of the association and keeping accurate records of all official work of the association.  Chairs Bylaws committee.  Performs other duties assigned be the president or the association.

Chair Positions with Descriptions

Advocacy – will inform and educate PTA members on issue and legislative priorities at the local, state, and national level

Art Coordinator- assist the art teachers with art night and with the art fundraiser.

**Council Delegate- attends Katy Council membership meetings 5 times a year and reports back to the board/membership. **Serves on the KDE PTA board

**Cultural Diversity- Helps promote diversity and inclusion and is in charge of executing International Night which showcases different countries and cultures at our school. **Serves on the KDE PTA Board

Fall Fundraiser- help the VP of Fundraising to carry out our fall fundraiser

Fifth Grade Party- help the coordinator execute her plans for the event

Grants – Available to research and secure grants for the support of our PTA. (Great for working moms or dads that would like to be involved but cannot be at school during the day).

Graphic Design/Publications- design and produce print materials, graphics and forms as needed.

Healthy Lifestyles- serves as liaison between the PTA and the school on health issues. The chair serves on the CATCH team at Davidson and attends Student Health Advisory Council meetings a few times a year. Volunteers are needed to execute healthy lifestyles programs.

**Homeroom Parent Coordinator- works with the teacher to have classroom volunteer needs met. Serves as liaison between the teacher and classroom parents. Emails updates to the class as needed. Helps plan and execute class parties. Schedules parent readers if needed. **Serves on the KDE PTA Board

**Hospitality – helps the VP of Volunteers to execute events throughout the year including Teacher Appreciation Week **Serves on the KDE PTA Board

Indoor Beautification- designs and helps create bulletin boards throughout the school.

Junior Achievement- teaches students basic concepts of business and economics through a set curriculum.

Library – assist library staff with check out, return, and re-shelving of books. Help students find books to check out.

Literacy Library – volunteers will assist with re-shelving and organizing of books

Lunchroom – help students open food containers and assist the lunchroom staff as needed.

Music coordinator-assist and support the music staff

**Parliamentarian- serves as the parliamentarian to the president. **Serves on the KDE PTA board

Read Deed Run – helps the 4th and 5th grade RDR program to execute all projects and events..

Reflections-assist and support the art program throughout the year

Spirit Night Chair- Communicates with area restaurants to plan KDE spirit nights and reports to VP of Fundraising

**Spirit Wear – help the chair to sell spirit wear at various events **Serves on the KDE PTA Board

Sponsorship- can help recruit businesses to support our PTA through physical and monetary donations.

Teacher Appreciation – help assist with teacher appreciation week festivities

Watch D.O.G.S – volunteer or coordinate the Dads of Great Students program.

Workroom- cut, copy, and laminate materials for teachers. Training for machines will be provided.

Yearbook – help the yearbook Chair and team to take photos, organize, design, sell the yearbook.


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